Congratulations! You’ve navigated the property jungle, fended off the competition (think bidding wars, not Hunger Games!), and emerged victorious with your offer accepted and a future in your new home on the horizon. But before you crack open the celebratory bubbly, a mountain of boxes and logistical hurdles await…don’t panic!
Just because moving can feel as stressful as trying to snag those elusive Taylor Swift tickets, doesn’t mean it has to be a disaster. Our Sales Progressors will be there through your sale or purchase, but in the interim, this handy A-Z guide will have you conquering your move with the grace of a seasoned professional (and maybe even a hint of zen thrown in for good measure). Let’s dive in!
A – Attention to Detail: Packing like a pro is key to a smooth moving day. Label boxes clearly, create an inventory, and pack essentials for your first night in a separate bag (think kettle, tea bags, toothbrush etc).
B – Budget Blues? Moving can be expensive. Hopefully you’ve already gone through the costs of moving exercise, but if you’re still in those early stages, here’s some advice: get quotes from removal companies, consider asking friends for help, and factor in hidden costs like parking permits.
When you’re in the earlier stages of a move, looking at mortgage products, stamp duty, solicitors costs and estate agent fees are all part of the planning process. Our in-house mortgage advisors, Adam Dumbrill and Matt Langley, can budget all of this with you.
C – Change of Address: Even though most communications are electronic nowadays, don’t leave the postie confused by forgetting about the ones that aren’t! Update your address with banks, utility companies, the local council and anyone else who sends you mail/deliveries. You could also look in to setting up a redirect to catch those that you might have missed!
D – Declutter Like a Dream: Moving is the perfect excuse for a good old declutter. Sell, donate, or recycle anything you no longer need or use. There are plenty of groups on social media, local charities that are always looking for donations like Guild Care or Turning Tides, or you can use sites like Vinted or Ebay…then use what you make to pay for that takeaway on your first night in your new home. Who wants to be cooking after a move, right?!
E – Essentials Box: Pack a box containing the essentials you’ll need on move-in day, from toiletries to phone chargers. Thank us later!
F – Furniture Focus: Will your furniture fit in your new home? Measure doorways and rooms beforehand to avoid any nasty surprises.
G – Goodbye Gifts: Show appreciation to helpful neighbours with a small leaving gift, if you can.
H – Heavy Lifting Help: Don’t be a superhero! Enlist friends, family, or professional movers for those heavier, bulky items.
I – Insurance: Get moving insurance for peace of mind in case of any mishaps. And be sure to have your buildings and contents insurance set up to start on completion day.
J – Joining the Community: Research your new neighbourhood. Join local Facebook groups or online forums to get the inside scoop!
K – Keys in Hand: Don’t forget to take meter readings for the property you’re leaving and your new home. Be sure to leave all of your keys for your old property with your estate agent.
L – Label Everything: From boxes to furniture legs, clear labelling saves time and frustration when unpacking. If you’re taking furniture apart yourself, put all the little bits like nuts, bolts and washers in a labelled bag or tupperware box.
M – Mail Forwarding: We mentioned this before, but it really is important…arrange mail forwarding to ensure you don’t miss important letters during the transition.
N – New Neighbours: Introduce yourself to your new neighbours with a friendly smile and a wave. Or, if you’re extra sociable, invite them to the housewarming party!
O – Outgoings: Before you move, settle any outstanding bills for your current property (council tax, utilities etc.).
P – Parking Permits: If you’re driving to your new home, don’t forget to apply for any necessary parking permits.
Q – Quotes Galore: Do this at the earliest opportunity you can. Get quotes from multiple removal companies to compare prices and services.
R – Relaxation Rituals: Moving is tiring! Schedule some relaxation time during the process, whether it’s a long bath, a movie or reading your favourite book.
S – School Stuff: If you have children, ensure they’re enrolled in their new school well in advance (where applicable) and be sure their uniform and other school bits are easily accessible incase the unpacking isn’t quite finished when they go back to school!
T – Transfer Utilities: Arrange for the transfer of utilities like gas, electricity, and internet at your new place.There are websites like xxx that can help you do this all in one go.
U – Unpacking Plan: Create a room-by-room unpacking plan to avoid living in a box mountain for weeks!
V – Valuables Vault: Pack valuables and important documents separately and keep them with you during the move.
W – Waste Disposal: It can be handy to research waste disposal options in your new area, like the local recycling centre. Especially if you have a lot of new furniture to unbox!
X – Xtra Boxes: You’ll probably need more boxes than you think! Ask friends, family, or local shops for any spare boxes they might have. Most removals will provide you with boxes also.
Y – You’ve Done It!: Moving day is over! Celebrate your accomplishment with a housewarming party (once you’ve unpacked a bit, of course!).
Z – Zip Open and Relax: Unpacking takes time. Don’t pressure yourself to do it all at once. Relax, unpack at your own pace, and enjoy your new home!