Community Articles
Take a look at our community news.
From fairy-tale castles to eco-friendly homes of the future, children from The Globe Primary Academy and The Vale School took part in Jacobs Steel’s draw your dream home and colouring competitions…
We have recently challenged pupils to decorate Christmas tree ornaments – children were given two weeks to decorate the ornaments, before Friends of Vale School presented over 100 entries to staff from Jacobs Steel for judging…
2020 is the year that Jacobs Steel aims to raise at least £20,000 for charities within our local communities.
In this 90 second read we share a useful list of free internet resources which might prove VERY useful as parents and carers in our community start homeschooling.
Jacobs Steel have been working with local homeless charity Turning Tides for the last 12 months to try and raise awareness of our local homeless and nearly homeless community.
We all know about Worthing Pride and I’m sure many of us have experienced Brighton Pride at least once! But did you know that every year, across the globe, June is recognised as ‘Pride Month’?
It’s no secret that history was hard on women. If you were one of today’s modern ladies living 200 years ago, it’s likely you would be tortured and shamed. No kidding – women were not allowed to have opinions and certainly should not voice them if they did.